1. The Personal Data in the Diary should be completed, signed by parents/guardians and submitted to the concerned class teacher.
2. Students who come on their own or by private transport should reach school ND Block between 7:30 to 7:55 a.m. No late comers will be admitted in the school after 7:55 a.m. and will be sent back. No student is allowed to bring bicycle/scooter/ motorcycle/car to school. School will not be responsible for loss or damage to the vehicle.
3. Students who are escorted by servants or who come by private transport should not leave the school unescorted. In case of delay, they should report to the school reception.
4. No student should visit canteen after 7:55 a.m. To purchase an item from canteen, one should go to canteen before 7:55 a.m. , during recess or after school is over.
5. No lunch boxes will be received later in the school for any student. Students should carry their own lunch boxes with them in the morning. They should bring hand sanitizer with them regularly.
6. Students should wear neat, clean and ironed school uniform with the Identity Card regularly.
7. Non Sikh boys should get their hair cut at regular intervals. Sikh boys must wear turbans from Class IX onwards. Wearing school shoes and socks, decent hair cut, nail cut, tying of hair neatly for girls - all these must be taken care of. Inners and vests must be worn without fail.
8. Sports House Uniform shall be worn only on the assigned days for a particular class.
9. Students should maintain discipline and silence in classrooms, laboratories and the school library.
Virtual Etiquettes
1. Students must attend Virtual classes properly dressed in School Uniform.
2. Attendance in classes and keeping video on is compulsory.
3. Parents are requested not to interfere during online classes.
4. Parents must check and ensure that their wards make a fair attempt in
Online Tests/Exams and do not resort to unfair means/cheating.
New Normal Etiquettes - For Students At School
1. Maintain physical distance
2. Use hand sanitizer regularly
3. Do not spit
4. Do not collect in groups in class/corridor
5. Keep your desk clean
6. Do not share your belongings
7. Carry sanitizer, handkerchief/tissues/napkins
8. Do not litter. Use dustbin
9. Bring water and lunch, do not share
10. Walk on signs marked on floor
11. Greet others without physical contact
12. Wear reusable masks at all times
13. Observe social distancing when in washroom/tap area
14. No student is allowed to go to the canteen/ground/activity classes
New Normal Etiquettes - For Students In Class
1. Wear breathable/washable/clean masks at all times
2. Use personal hand sanitizer regularly
3. Maintain social distancing
4. Do not share desk
5. Do not collect in groups
6. Bring water and lunch, do not share
7. Do not shake hands to greet each other
8. In case you feel unwell, report to the teacher immediately
9. Do not crowd around teacher
10. Do not leave the classroom unless necessary or instructed by the teacher
11. Do not litter
12. Keep desk, surroundings and classroom clean
Code of Conduct
u No student should damage school furniture, white /black / E-boards, other items or deface the walls or in any way damage things belonging to others. Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the Class Teacher or to the Incharge or the Principal. Any damage done will have to be made good by the one who causes it or the whole class will be held
u Students are advised to keep their class rooms/toilets/school building/campus neat and clean and throw litter into the dustbins only.
u No student shall indulge in any unwanted activity. Indiscipline in any form will not be tolerated. Indulgence in any indisciplinary activity will be regarded as an offence. It will be strictly dealt with and may result in suspension, expulsion, fine or written apology or issue of Yellow/Red/Black card. Yellow card as 2nd warning, Red card as final reminder and Black card as last resort in the form of suspension or so.
(a) spitting in or near the school building/school campus; (b) disfiguring or otherwise damaging any school property;
(c) rowdyism, rude behaviour, whistling and shouting, bullying; (d) use of violence in any form, foul language;
(e) casteism, communalism or practice of untouchability;
(f) bursting of crackers in school premises;
g) chewing gum in the school premises
h) Littering in the school premises
(i) writing on school walls;
(j) moving around in school without 'Class Pass' during assembly and school hours;
(k) carrying undesired / unwanted magazines, e-cigarette, money, valuable items, CDs, cameras, mobile phones or any other expensive electronic gadget to school under any circumstances;
(l) bunking classes / school;
(m) wearing undesirable dress, shoes / things (not in accordance with uniform / dress code of the school);
(n) Stealing, breaking, damaging E-boards, other electronic / mechanical devices or any other school property;
(o) Unacceptable and indecent behaviour or activity in or outside school; (p) damage to buses, misconduct with drivers, conductors or bus mates.
u Wilful absenteism in any class especially in the secondary and senior secondary classes is extremely undesirable and strict action will be taken in this regard.
u Under no circumstances will a student be allowed to go home after examination/test is over or during regular school hours. Leave for half-a-day will not be given except in emergency and should be avoided for security reasons. Taking away your child from the class for a short period or for a
medical check up is not permitted.
u The photograph of a student will not be attested by the Principal or accepted by teachers/receptionist if it is not in proper school uniform.
u Any kind of warning/punishment loses entitlement to any awards.
Action Against Bad Conduct
• 1st warning to a student to reform her/his ways.
• Final warning to check her/his conduct and be ready for strict action against her/him.
• Strict action to be taken by the Discipline Committee.
Recommendation to Parent/Guardian
1. Motivate your ward to speak in English at all times. Politeness in speech, low volume, decent language speak a lot about a child. Arrogance, argument, pride, indifference do not leave a good impression. Ensure that your child cultivates the right qualities and interest in studies, cocurricular and sports activities.
2. Check the school Diary everyday, visit school website for circulars, messages, etc. if any from teachers, school, examination related and CBSE.
3. Check the haircut, uniform and punctuality of your ward. Confirm your ward carries contents according to the timetable for that day. Ensure he/she wears Identity Card.
4. Restrict daily pocket money. Excessive spending should be discouraged.
5. Lunch should be properly packed so that the notebooks are not stained or spoiled.A napkin is always handy.
6. Check that your ward does not carry prohibited articles like mobile, i- phones, cash, jewellery, expensive articles & gadgets to school. These will be confiscated and will lead to punishment.
7. Criticism of a teacher should be avoided in the presence of the child because it undermines respect for the teachers and the school. In case of a legitimate complaint, please meet the Class Teacher / Principal. Similarly do not discuss family problems in front of your child.
8. Make sure that you meet the Class Teacher and Subject Teachers on all Parent Teacher meetings. Kindly adhere to the timings given. In emergency you can meet a teacher on prior permission only during visiting hours with the permission of the receptionist. No parent/guardian should visit classroom to meet the concerned teacher under any circumstance or without Principal’s permission.
9. Carry Identity Card issued by the school during your visit to school. Only parents and not brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts or strangers should be sent to collect their ward or to collect report card or meet Class Teacher.
10. The school is not responsible for any unruly behaviour of students or disputes that occur outside the school premises.
11. The school reserves the right to detain or deny promotion to a student whose performance continues to remain unsatisfactory.
12. To handle emergencies successfully, maintain communication with teachers and keep records up to date. Any change of address or telephone number should be notified immediately to the school.
13. Avoid encouraging your ward to take leave on examination days or to return home after her/his examination is over.
14. There is a need to be aware of Three R's of the On-line world - Rights, Responsibilities and Respect before you give your ward access to use internet.
15. Convey your impression about the work of your ward at home on first fifteenth of every month on page provided in the Diary by using one of the remarks
a. Very Satisfactory b. Satisfactory c. Unsatisfactory
Policy and SOP – In case of students carrying Mobile phone in School
As a policy, the students shall not bring the mobile phone to the school except in certain cases of emergency.(as specified in para 6)
Class teacher shall ensure that no student shall carry the mobile phone in her class during the school hours.
In case a student is found carrying / using mobile phone, Class teacher shall ask the student to deposit his/her phone and also arrange to inform his/ her parents about the incident and request the parents to collect the phone on the same day or the following day.
Class teacher shall also inform supervisory in-charge concerned about the incident and actions taken by her.
Class teacher shall hand over the phone to parents as and when they come to school. She shall also counsel the student and reemphasise upon the parents about the policy of the school.
Only in case of emergency, when a student carries a letter of authorisation from the parents, he/she may bring the phone. But in that case also, the student shall deposit the phone with Class teacher and collect the phone before leaving the school premises for home. In case the student forgets to collect the phone, he/she may do the same the next day.
In the absence of Class teacher, all actions shall be taken by the concerned supervisory in-charge.