Counseling in its spirit and essence is generative. It aims at assisting the child to develop such that he/she becomes psychologically mature and is capable of realizing his/her potentialities optimally.
In our constant endeavor to bloom every child's potential optimally, the school has appointed counsellors and special educators in school. The school counsellors and special educators not only motivate students to develop a positive attitude but also, guide and teach students with special needs to assimilate them smoothly in mainstream classroom.
Students whose performances are not at par with the mainstream students are referred to special educators by respective teachers. Special Educators then conduct informal assessment which helps in finding the gaps in learning through screening. After the screening, parents are guided with strategies to enhance the performance of their wards effectively and those in need of a formal assessment are guided about the testing procedures.
Parents are regularly briefed as and when required. Since the children with special needs such as Dyslexia, A.D.H.D, Autism, Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment, and Intellectual Disability require speech therapy, occupational therapy, psychological assessment etc, the school then refers them to mental health professionals who help bring about holistic development of children.
For students of grade X and XII, career counseling sessions are organized by the school counsellors, in which they are guided about different paths and emerging careers which can be taken by them. School also organizes Career Fair to help students interact with persons from various universities. Students are also taken to different career fairs organized by different institutes wherein they can get required information and help to reduce the anxiety.
The Counselors and Special Educators use behavioral modification techniques to modify significant behavioral issues such as anger management, bullying, stealing, etc. Counsellors and special educators are available on every 1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays for parent interaction.
Parents can contact them between 8-9 a.m. in case of immediate/urgent situations
We do not have a magic wand, but we do have ears to listen to you.